Septoplasty: Before & After

I had a septoplasty with turbinate reduction to correct a deviated septum and concha bullosa. The goal of the surgery was alleviate chronic headaches and sleep apnea. This video includes a picture of a CT scan showing the deviated septum and concha bullosa and is 3 videos put together in one. One is from a few days before, the second is 2 hours after the septoplasty, and the 3rd video is the day after surgery. No pain medication was prescribed. Hope someone finds it helpful! Also, I will post videos after the post op appointment… Turns out, there was a splint up my nose!

Product you will need for recovery from a Septoplasty:

(Please note, these are affiliated links. I earn a small commission if a product is purchased from these links. Any money would help pay for this surgery! I will post the bill in a future video, so you know how much a Septoplasty can cost. Thanks!)

Flonase In order to even be considered a candidate for a Septoplasty, you need to use Flonase for at least 6 month prior to surgical consideration. Flonase can stop your body from overreacting to allergens and reduce swelling.

Tylenol pain medication except for Tylenol can be taken for 10 days prior to the surgery. Plus, no pain medication is prescribed after the surgery.

Afrin (generic) was prescribed before the surgery. The doctor had me spray each nostril 4 times very shortly before the surgery. Afrin (Oxymetazoline HCl) is also used after surgery for severe bleeding.

Nedi Potti This neti pot is very gentle on your new nose. You will need to use a Neti Pot at least twice a day for at least a week starting the day after surgery and at least once a day for the weeks following. This will help keep your nasal passages from getting stuffed up and dry. It also helps prevent nasty build up! Clearing your sinuses is a must do!

Neti Pot Pressure Rinse After about a month, using a neti pot with more pressure is very helpful. It will rinse out and clean-up mucus build up… You might be in for some surprises!

Muci-nex (generic) Guaifenesin (Muci-nex) is an expectorant that helps reduce congestion. It thins and loosens mucus to prevent sticky (and sometimes stinky) build-up. It really helps to take this when you’re super stuffy.

Ibuprofen After surgery, no pain medication is prescribed. You will likely want something to help with the inflammation and pain. Ibuprofen will alleviate both! In the days following the septoplasty, I got more headaches as the inflammation and congestion set in. Taking Ibuprofen provides some relief and improved my sleep.

The Before is from several days prior to the surgery. The After is from the day after the septoplasty and turbinate reduction. There is swelling and a splint inside my nose. The splint was approximately 1 inch long by a 1/4 inch wide and was removed at the one week post op appointment.

Note there is less fullness under my eyes and my nose actually points down more. I could see a subtle but visible difference in my nose. The difference I felt was even more significant. I could breath through both nostrils and no longer needed a CPAP machine to sleep if I use a mouth guard. Previously, I need a CPAP machine every night and my right nostril was blocked primarily due to the deviated septum. My nose felt more open and less full even with a splint still inside it.

I will post updates.

Really hope this is helpful! Thank you for your support!

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