Eco Back to School

Back to School time is the perfect time to embrace eco-friendly and sustainable practices. By making thoughtful choices, students and parents can reduce their environmental footprint and promote a greener future. Here are some practical tips and product recommendations to help you go back to school in an eco-friendly way.

This section includes affiliated links to highly rated, eco-friendly products.

Product Recommendations:

1. Opt for Eco-Friendly Backpacks

Choose backpacks made from sustainable materials like recycled polyester or organic cotton.

2. Choose Sustainable School Supplies

Opt for school supplies made from recycled or sustainable materials. Look for products that are designed to last, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

3. Use Reusable Lunch Gear

Eliminate single-use plastic by investing in reusable lunch containers, water bottles, and utensils.

4. Green Transportation

Encourage walking, biking, or carpooling to school to reduce carbon emissions. If public transportation is an option, it’s often more eco-friendly than individual car rides.

5. Digital Learning Tools

Minimize paper use by utilizing digital tools and resources. E-books, online assignments, and digital note-taking can significantly reduce the amount of paper consumed.

6. Eco-Friendly Clothing

Choose clothing made from sustainable fabrics like organic cotton, bamboo, or recycled materials. Avoid fast fashion by investing in quality pieces that will last longer.

7. Sustainable Study Habits

Create a green study space by using energy-efficient lighting and eco-friendly office supplies. Recycle old papers and donate books you no longer need.

8. Waste-Free Snacks

Pack snacks in reusable containers and buy in bulk to reduce packaging waste. Avoid single-use plastics and pre-packaged foods. Choose organic and locally sourced foods whenever possible. If possible, use compostable items and start a compost bin for food scraps.

9. Energy-Efficient Electronics

  • Eco-Friendly Gadgets: If you need to buy new electronics, opt for energy-efficient models. Look for Energy Star-rated devices.
  • Power Management: Turn off devices when not in use and use power strips to make it easy to shut down multiple devices at once.

10. Minimize Paper Use

11. Recycle and Reuse

  • Proper Sorting: Make sure to recycle paper, plastic, glass, and metal properly. Educate yourself and others on local recycling guidelines.
  • Use it up: Use supplies until they are no longer useful. This will help eliminate unnecessary waste.
  • Upcycle Projects: Get creative with upcycling old school supplies and materials into new, useful items.

Going back to school with an eco-friendly mindset can make a significant difference for the environment. By choosing sustainable products, reducing waste, and adopting green habits, students and parents can contribute to a healthier planet. These small changes not only help the environment but also set a positive example for future generations.

Eco-Friendly Ways to Reduce Waste with Kids

Teaching kids about reducing plastic waste is a wonderful way to foster environmental responsibility from a young age. Here are some practical and fun ways to engage children in eco-friendly practices:

1. Reusable Lunch Gear

2. Eco-Friendly Craft Projects

  • Natural Craft Materials: Encourage the use of natural materials like leaves, stones, and sticks for art and craft projects instead of synthetic ones.
  • Upcycling Crafts: Turn plastic waste into creative art projects. For example, use empty bottles to make planters or bird feeders. This teaches kids about reusing materials creatively.

3. Plastic-Free Shopping

  • Reusable Shopping Bags: Teach kids to carry reusable shopping bags and explain the importance of reducing plastic bag use.
  • Bulk Buying: Involve kids in shopping for bulk items using reusable containers to minimize packaging waste.

4. DIY Household Products

  • Homemade Cleaning Products: Make simple cleaning products at home using ingredients like vinegar and baking soda. Kids can help mix and label the products.
  • Natural Personal Care: Create natural personal care items like soaps and lotions with kids, reducing the need for plastic packaging.

5. Educational Activities

  • Plastic Pollution Lessons: Use books, documentaries, and online resources to teach kids about the impact of plastic pollution on the environment.
  • Interactive Games: Play educational games that focus on sorting recyclables, identifying eco-friendly practices, and understanding waste management.

6. Gardening and Composting

7. Zero-Waste Challenges

  • Family Challenges: Set up family challenges to see who can produce the least amount of plastic waste in a week. Reward eco-friendly behaviors with fun activities or small prizes.
  • School Initiatives: Encourage schools to adopt zero-waste policies and involve kids in projects to reduce plastic waste on campus.

8. Community Clean-Up Events

  • Organize Clean-Ups: Participate in or organize local clean-up events. Kids can help collect plastic waste and learn about its impact on the environment.
  • Recycling Education: Teach kids how to properly sort recyclables and understand the recycling process.

Benefits of Involving Kids in Reducing Plastic Waste

  1. Environmental Awareness: Kids learn about the impact of plastic waste and the importance of protecting the environment.
  2. Responsibility: Engaging in eco-friendly practices fosters a sense of responsibility and stewardship for the planet.
  3. Creativity and Problem-Solving: Kids develop creative thinking and problem-solving skills through upcycling and DIY projects.
  4. Healthy Habits: Establishing eco-friendly habits early in life leads to sustainable practices in adulthood.


  1. National Geographic Kids – Plastic Pollution
  2. Earth911 – Teaching Kids About Plastic Pollution
  3. World Wildlife Fund – Plastic Waste and Pollution
  4. EPA – Reducing and Reusing Basics

By incorporating these activities into your routine, you can help children understand the importance of reducing plastic waste and inspire them to make eco-friendly choices.


  1. EPA – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  2. NRDC – Sustainable Back-to-School Tips
  3. World Wildlife Fund – Living Sustainably
  4. Earth911 – Green Back-to-School Tips

For Eco-friendly ways to save please, read Ec0-Friendly Ways to Save Money

Green Ways to Save Green: Eco-Friendly Ways to Save Money

For Eco-friendly ways to do laundry, please read Plastic-Free Ways to Do Laundry

Plastic-Free Ways to Do Laundry

For Eco-friendly Natural Beauty tips, please read Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty

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