MICROPLASTICS: A Growing Concern for Our Oceans, Environment, and Health

Plastic is one of the most widely used materials in the world with its versatility and durability making it a convenient choice for countless products and applications. However, the downside of this widespread use of plastic is that it is not biodegradable and can persist in the environment indefinitely. A particularly worrying form of plastic pollution is microplastics, which are small plastic particles measuring less than 5mm in size. These tiny particles are everywhere, from our oceans to the air we breathe, impacting our environment and health.

Sources of Microplastics

Microplastics are created through a variety of processes, including the breakdown of larger plastic items and the release of small plastic pellets used in the production of plastic products. They had also been added to personal care products, such as toothpaste and exfoliating scrubs, and are frequently found in synthetic clothing and other textiles. When these items are washed, the microplastics are released into the environment and eventually find their way into our oceans, other waterways, and can also be found in the fertilizer used to produce our food.

Impact on the Ocean and Marine Life

The oceans are particularly vulnerable to the effects of microplastics, as they can easily be transported by ocean currents and carried great distances. Once in the ocean, microplastics can have a profound impact on marine life. Small organisms, such as zooplankton, can mistake the particles for food and ingest them, which can lead to malnutrition and death. Larger species, such as sea turtles and whales, can also be affected, either by ingesting the particles or becoming entangled in plastic debris.

Microplastics can also act as a sponge for toxic chemicals, such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which are known to have harmful effects on wildlife and humans. When marine species consume these contaminated microplastics, they are exposed to these toxic chemicals, which can accumulate in their tissues and lead to health problems, such as reproductive failure and immune system suppression. Additionally, microplastics can provide a habitat for harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites, which can negatively impact the health of marine species.

Also, microplastics are believed to contribute to the decline of biodiversity and the destruction of natural habitats. They can physically entangle and kill wildlife and alter the balance of ecosystems.

Impact on Human Health

Another major concern is the effect of microplastics on water quality. Microplastics can persist in the environment for hundreds of years, making it nearly impossible to remove them from our waterways and oceans. The presence of microplastics in our oceans and waterways is not just a problem for marine life, but also for human health. They have been found in tap water, bottled water, and even in the air we breathe, posing a potential threat to human health. As the particles make their way up the food chain, they are ingested by seafood that we eat, and have enter the human food chain.

Microplastics are also negatively impacting soil. Plastic particles have been found in soil samples, and studies have shown that they can reduce plant growth and impair the fertility of the soil by increasing the soils pH and decreasing microbial activity. Additionally, they have been shown to affect the rooting ability of plants by altering soil bulk density and water-holding capacity, as well as reducing photosynthetic rate.

There is also growing concern about the potential inhalation of microplastics, as the tiny particles are small enough to be inhaled into the lungs. Microplastics may even be small enough to pass the blood brain barrier negatively impact the microglial cells in the brain. Microplastics can have carcinogenic and mutagenic properties, meaning they potentially cause cancer and can damage DNA. There are countless potentially toxic chemicals that can leach from plastics and enter our bodies causing numerous in our health and environment. Plastics do not readily break down into harmless molecules, and they can take hundreds or thousands of years to decompose.

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How to Reduce Microplastics

There are many actions individuals can take to reduce their own contribution to the problem of microplastics:

  1. Think About Our Consumption: We can choose to make different choice and consume less. Every choice we make has a consequence. Even simple decisions like driving have an impact. Tire dust is a significant contributor to microplastics in our environment. Even the clothing we choose to wear produces microplastics.
  2. Reduce Plastic Use: The most effective way to reduce the amount of microplastics in the environment is to reduce our overall use of plastic. This can be done by choosing reusable options, such as reusable water bottles, bags, containers, and avoiding single-use plastics.
  3. Choose Products Wisely: When shopping, pay attention to products that contain plastics and choose alternative options, such as those made from natural materials.
  4. Support legislation: Governments can play a role in reducing the release of microplastics into the environment by passing laws and regulations that restrict the use of microplastics in products and require companies to properly dispose of plastic waste.
  5. Hold Companies Responsible for the Waste They Produce: Companies should be held responsible for their contributions to the production of microplastics. We can use our power as consumers to make better choices and choose not to support companies that use plastics in their products.


Microplastics are a growing concern for our oceans and environment, as they have the potential to harm wildlife and human health. The negative impact of microplastics on the environment is widespread and far-reaching. It is crucial that we take steps to reduce our use of single-use plastics and properly dispose of the plastic we do use to minimize the spread of microplastics in the environment. Microplastics can persist in the environment for hundreds of years, making it nearly impossible to remove them from our waterways and oceans. By greatly reducing our plastic use and supporting legislation to limit the release of microplastics into the environment. We collective have the power to make a difference.

For ways to help avoid microplastics to help the environment and save money, please read: Eco-Friendly Ways to Save


DIFER.ORG supports efforts to reduce the use of plastics

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18 thoughts on “MICROPLASTICS: A Growing Concern for Our Oceans, Environment, and Health”

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  4. Pingback: Green Ways to Save Green: Eco-Friendly Ways to Save Money – DIFER.ORG

  5. Pingback: Microplastic in Our Body – DIFER.ORG

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